Seletar Mall Learning Festival 2019 @ Seletar Mall

Seletar Mall's 2019 "Learning Comes Alive" festival was a time of fun, learning and various activities for children as learning went beyond the textbook.
Families who spent a minimum sum were able to participate in workshops and the activities at the different educational booths.

In partnership with The Learning Lab and Han Language Centre, content for the booths were both suitable and engaging, thus providing children an opportunity to learn in a fun way! 

On top of that, workshops ranging from pancake making, galaxy spray art, plastic shrink art, and cajon/beatbox were highly subscribed to and led by passionate instructors.

With interactive timers, children are challenged on a daily basis to be the daily winner and their scores are recorded on the board. 

The Word Racer - a creative english word test using special cool 3D spectacles and anaglyphs to decipher the encoded things on screen that passersby see as gibberish

The Chinese Master - a magnetic tikam board for kids to indulge in translation

The Math Whizz - an interactive giant human LED snake and ladder games that stimulate their mental calculation as they move up to the top of the board

The Mad Scientist - a hands-on problem solving experience through various lab experiments according to the curriculum using objects like paper clips, test tubes, etc

Services offered:

  • Conceptualization and exhibition layout
  • Creative concept of education content & execution
  • Props and posters fabrication
  • Workshops - Pancake Making, Galaxy Spray Art, Plastic Shrink Art, Cajon
  • Interactive educational booths - The Word Racer, The Chinese Master, The Math Whizz, The Mad Scientist


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