Ooffle is a leading virtual events Singapore management company specializing in video live streaming and production. They provide assistance in your vritual corporate events tailored to your needs. Ooffle blend both digital campaigns and activation to reach your brand's objective. Even if you need live streaming or video production at a greenscreen studio, Ooffle will make your virtual events Singapore happen across Asia.

D Edge Silhouette Corporate Awards 2019 Design

We worked with D Edge to conceptualize a fitting design for their 2019 awards - "Best Country Growth Award", "Peer to Peer Award", "Rockstar Award", "Team Player Award" and many more. 

These awards had a meaningful design and were easily displayable but comes with a intimate touch of personalization for the award winners. Based on the silhouette of real individuals, we produced their mugshot cutouts accordingly for the bespoke awards, yet retained an air of simplicity.

Our latest printing technology allowed us to print real pure Gold on Black at a fraction of the cost rather than have to hotstamp or silkscreen it.

Services offered:

  • Conceptualization, design and production of awards
  • Silhouette customization and production 
  • Printing gold on black technology
Ooffle — www.ooffle.com
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Asia's Leading Creative Experience Company