Orchard Central Wow! Kyoto Japanese Activation 2019 @ OC

Orchard Central brought in their "Wow Kyoto" campaign in 2019.
This campaign showcased Japanese culture, highlighting their food, style, and music.

With a backdrop of Japanese drums, 3D text of Kyoto, a lantern, and cherry blossoms, shoppers certainly felt the mood as they walked past!
Yes, also come watch a taiko drums performance, and then try it out yourselves after that! If you're still not satisfied, we have a Japanese taiko arcade machine for you to drum to, simply win Shop Far East points by scoring higher than the target score! In addition to this, there was also a workshop on tricks on the popular kendama toy.

With "Guess it to win it", shoppers also had a chance to win up to $100 of voucher simply by guessing the number of beans in the barrel. This was an exciting campaign indeed, catering to children, youths, and adults!

Services offered:
  • Design & media production
  • Brand Activation
  • Stage and roving performances
  • Hands-on Experience of Taiko Drumming by shoppers
  • Taiko Machine Challenge
  • Kendama workshop
  • Taiko drum performance and workshop
  • Guess the Beans Setup
  • Exhibition booth design & props fabrication
  • AV System
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