Sunrider Virtual Path to Leadership Summit 2022

On 9 April 2022, Sunrider held their Virtual Path to Leadership Summit in partnership with Ooffle. It was a resounding success! With the studio and relevant tech setup provided by the Ooffle team, everything went smoothly and our clients were pleased.

It was a pre-recorded event, though a live chat feature was implemented during the summit itself to facilitate interaction between participants, as well as with the event organizers.

Prior to the event itself, the guest speakers came down to our greenscreen studio for the recording session. We used Zoom Webinar for the event, and we also had live translation crews on-site in order to facilitate greater user immersion through translation to various languages such as Bahasa, Vietnamese, Mandarin etc. Notably, these translations were done in real-time for maximum accuracy. Within our augmented reality 3D stage, the recordings were done to perfection in conjunction with our 3D FX team, who helped control visual effects and graphics. We particularly focused on our client’s requests, using the inputs that they had given us to meticulously select every single effect and graphic used. All of the visual effects were highly cohesive, and our top priority was to make sure that the show flowed smoothly. Everything had to blend together perfectly, and nothing was spared to reach that end goal.

We were also in charge of the main website landing page. It utilized a dynamic scene made in-house through the use of multiple cameras at multiple angles in order to present it as a proper exhibition hall, complete with a speaker showcase section as well as a detailed agenda board. Through the use of a drop-down menu, participants could also select which pre-recorded livestream they wanted to view, as well as preview Leadership Stories from the event’s guest speakers.

With an interactive live chat, accurate-real time translations, as well as cohesive augmented reality 3D effects and graphics, participants had an experience like no other.

Services offered:

  • 3D Stage
  • Virtual Events Management Singapore
  • Virtual Event Platform
  • Design & media production
  • Microsite Design & Development
  • Virtual Booth 3D
  • Concept Designing
  • Corporate event planning
  • Virtual Meeting and Live Hosting
  • Video Streaming, Interactive Keynote Presentation
  • Live Chatting for Speaker Sessions
  • Greenscreen studio production
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