AIA Leaders' Strategic Planning Conference 2021

Team Ooffle came together with AIA to host their online virtual meeting and breakout sessions with their employees in the region and managed the live stream and virtual event which is made up of the 3D virtual lounge and the virtual auditorium. Total we had about 600-700 pax tuning in to the live stream platform.

The complexity of this project was that there were a total if 1 main live stream track and 3 additional breakout rooms live stream tracks with 3 different groups of participants doing round robin attending different speakers' keynotes at different timings. We had to manage the sync and live auto transitioning between 3 groups of participants to ensure the smooth "moving" in and out from one virtual breakou troom to another breakout room based on the prescheduled plan and timetable. At the end of each breakout keynote sessions, we have to auto transition all of them back to the main live stream and regroup for the mass keynote and activities. 

Each breakout keynote session rooms had their individually separate live polls and disparate Q&As so participants can interact independently with different breakout room speakers with regards to their respective topics. In totality we ran the whole event across 4-5 different studio rooms in a hybrid manner with production crew in each room. 

The website included various booth for the users to navigate through and learn more about the organization's strategic leadership agenda tracks. The list of all the guest speakers was was displayed in a coherent matter. Registration and EDM blasts were managed by us and executed in an IT environment with high level of compliance and many layers of firewalls. The interactive website also included fun polls and games for the entertainment of the connected guests. The participants were also put into different breakout rooms and given certain tasks to complete. 

Various resources related to the organization were listed under the resource center which was easily navigable through all the webpages. The live meeting also allowed the users to apply different backgrounds to their video chat and interact with fellow colleagues.

Speakers interacted with all the participants and the website had a live chat box for everyone to have an online conversation about the event. The backdrop was set up based on the requirements of the client and their organization.

Services offered:

  • Virtual Events Management Singapore
  • Virtual Event Platform
  • Design & media production
  • Website Design & Development
  • Virtual Booth 3d
  • Concept Designing
  • Corporate event planning
  • Virtual Meeting and Live Hosting
  • Live Stream Show Production
  • Auto Multiple Live Stream Transitioning


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