MCC M.SPACO Opening Hybrid Event

Singaporean real estate developer, MCC, celebrated the opening of their experiential gallery M.SPACO at Poiz Residences, coinciding with their 26th Anniversary. Ooffle had the amazing opportunity to coordinate and manage the big bash. As a creative agency, the team put together their thinking caps to plan the entire event including the creative direction, logistical needs and technical assistance. 


The entire event revolved around 3 themes: real estate, transportation and rainforest, to commemorate the important pillars of MCC. Ooffle’s dedicated team conceptualised the design layout of the space and made sure it fit into the client’s vision. Our team included entertainment and game stations for the guests where we coordinated a live band and lucky draw booths. The event required LED walls, which our team set up including the audio system for the presenters and speakers. 


As the opening bash was a hybrid event with a virtual audience, the Ooffle team was also in charge of the live streaming management. We set up the necessary audio, camera and lighting equipment to capture the entire event clearly for the online audience. The live stream also included video collaterals that our team produced and designed for the client. With our expertise, the team managed the transitions, videos and dial-in calls with the MCC team in China and ensured a stable connection throughout the virtual stream. 

Overall, the event was a success where the in-person guests and virtual audience could come together to celebrate a significant milestone with memorable entertainment and games. 


Services offered:

  • Virtual Events Management Singapore
  • Virtual Event Platform
  • Design & media production
  • Hybrid and Virtual Live Interaction & Lucky Draw
  • Concept Designing
  • Corporate event planning
  • Virtual Meeting and Live Hosting
Ooffle —
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Asia's Leading Creative Experience Company