Ooffle is a leading virtual events Singapore management company specializing in video live streaming and production. They provide assistance in your vritual corporate events tailored to your needs. Ooffle blend both digital campaigns and activation to reach your brand's objective. Even if you need live streaming or video production at a greenscreen studio, Ooffle will make your virtual events Singapore happen across Asia.

Mobile Truck Rental

Perfect for boosting your brand’s publicity in a limited timeframe: check out our mobile trucks for your marketing needs to create the roving truck event that will drive your brand straight into your target audience’s backyard!

It's incredibly convenient and easy to execute regardless of the industry you are in. It's flexible and perfect for reaching out for to your audience with minimal effort.

If you are looking to make your marketing campaign a success, look no further!

Ooffle — www.ooffle.com
Your Trusted Partner in Design • Events • Marketing • Technology
Asia's Leading Creative Experience Company